anything, mostly out of shock. My good friend was submitting to having his body feminized. I couldn't believe he wanted it.

As the injector penetrated Lee's buttock, he smiled at me and said, "Chris it doesn't hurt at all. We're going to have such fun."

I hesitated, "I don't know, it seems so permanent. What if I want to be a boy again?"

Dr. Stephens interrupted, "It's up to you Chris, but you'll see that this method will produce positive results and not be permanent. You're going to be a girl all summer, right?" I nodded. "No current girl friends, right?" I again nodded. "You'll have more enjoyment this summer and be more secure and comfortable."

I mumbled, "I don't know."

"Oh Chris," Lee added, "it feels wonderful. I can almost feel my breasts getting bigger. You said, you liked the sensation in your breasts, how about it?"

The doctor said, "You think about and I'll prepare the injector."

Lee got off the examination table. I stood there in a daze thinking about how to get out of there.

The doctor approached me with the needle. "What do you think?"

"I just don't know."

Lee smiled and said, "C'mon, it didn't hurt. Right doc?" "True, let's try this. I'm going to insert it in your hip, just a little. If it hurts or you change your mind, I'll just pull it out, Okay?" I nodded and the Doctor inserted the needle about half an inch.

"Did that hurt?"

"No." I closed my eyes and gritted my teeth as the doctor inserted the needle fully.

The doctors right hand caressed my thigh. "There we are. Since the needle's in, how about just a tiny bit?"

"Oh my! Okay," I whimpered, "but not too much. OK?" Tears flowed from my eyes as a feeling of helplessness overcame me. The doctor injected about half the cool con-


"That's enough to help, but not if you want to be "thoroughly" comfortable. Don't you want the rest and make it official?"

I nodded. I felt the rest of the injection permeate my hip. Lee embraced me, our exposed nipples touching. "We'll have such fun, you'll see."

I turned away and moaned, thinking of what would


eventually happen to my body. I felt like crying. What had I done.

"Here's a prescription for an ointment, the doctor said. Just rub it on your maleness twice a day. It'll help make you less sensitive."


I cried, "less sensitive? I don't want that! It won't make me smaller. Will it? The guys kid me in the showers now.' "It depends, Chris. Most boys who dress as girls find that they are more comfortable if they're small. Right Lee?" Lee nodded. "If you continue to wear the training devices and use this ointment, by the end of summer, you probably won't have to wear the cache garment to be flat in front. I think you should see a video produced about a transgendered boy a few years ago."

We entered a small waiting room and the doctor turned on a video tape machine. The first part showed a normal boy, about 18, swimming. He appeared normal in every way. The second part, an interview with the mother and


Mother: "If he wants to be a girl, then let's turn him into


Son: "But mom, I just tried on your slip. It wasn't a big deal. It did felt good but..."

Mother: "You said you liked it when we dressed you up fully and you encouraged me to buy you those dresses and lingerie. Right?"

Son: "I guess so. It was just a joke. I don't want to be your daughter for the summer..."

The next part showed a doctor's examination of the boy.

Doctor: "Note the slight development of the breasts and softening of the skin. At his age, a beard won't develop until discontinuities of the hormones. We are going to inject the pellet today a month before summer."

Next came a series of weekly photos of his development. Week by week, this boy became more girlish and feminine. His breasts grew as did his hair. His organs seemed to get smaller with each picture, or it could have been because his hips widened.

The next part showed a sexy girl walking down the beach in a string bikini. With each step, wide hips swung from side to side and the bikini top shimmered with softness. It was that boy; it was also Dr. Stephens.

Dr. Stephens turned the light on. Lee and I looked at him in amazement. He came over to us and sat on the table in front of us. Smoothing the skirt of his white uniform